9 Latin American Inspired and Global Christmas Picture Books

9 Latin American Inspired and Global Christmas Picture Books

Tis the season to read Christmas books! Check out this wonderful selection, including some books that can be found in both Spanish and/or English for your Christmas bookshelf or for gifts to kids, friends and family.

God Gave Us Christmas by Lisa Tawn Bergren is a story about a curious bear cub asking his mama bear, “Who invented Christmas?” Maybe your little bear cub is asking the same question. Help them find the answer with this book.

The Christmas Star by Pfister Marcus is the story of the people and animals drawn to the bright star which shows them the way to the newborn King.

The Wise Men of Orient by Loek Koopmans is the story of the Three Wise Men or Magi, who are surprised when they see the bright heavenly star. They travel far to discover something wonderful at a humble stable.

Nine Days for Christmas by Marie Hall Ets is about the Latin American tradition of Las Posadas, which is a live reenactment of Joseph and Mary seeking room at the Inn. Ceci looks forward to this year’s celebration. It will be her first opportunity to choose a piñata.

The Christmas Gift is based on a true story by Francisco Jimenez and it is illustrated by Caire B. Cotts. El regalo de Navidad is a story about a migrant family who must find another place of work during the Christmas season. Panchito, their son, really wants a ball for Christmas. Will he get it? Find out what it was like for Panchito to grow up in a family of migrant farm workers in the United States.

I highly recommend The Christmas Gift/El regalo de navidad. This is a beautiful narrative of what it was like for the author to grow up as the child of migrant farmers in the US.

 by Pat Mora and Illustrated by Magaly Morales is a super fun sing along to the 12 Days of Christmas while learning Spanish words and numbers!

by Susan Middleton Elya and Merry Banks and Illustrated by Joe Cepeda

Go through the Alphabet and learn some Spanish Christmas related vocabulary.

Find more book suggestions for multicultural and global Versions of the 12 days of Christmas Books at Globe Trottin' Kids!

by Janic Silent and Illustrated by Sydney Wright is a unique interpretation of the story of the Gingerbread Man set in Oaxaca Mexico during the Night of the Radishes. The Night of the Radishes is a festival in which there is a radish sculpting contest, most of which represent scenes of the birth of Jesus and other Oaxacan cultural or historical scenes.

 by Kate DePalma and illustrated by Sophie Phatus features Christmas traditions from Ethopia, Colombia, Australia, Italy, Serbia, Mexico, India, Iceland, Egypt, Argentina, Phillipines, Lebanon, and Canada.

Find more Christmas around the world traditions HERE at the Holiday Spot!

I hope this Christmas Picture Book list is helpful! 
