An International Move

An International Move

After airline and immigration check-in, my mom, siblings, and I hugged and kissed our family goodbye. Back then, everyone was allowed to wait at the Toncontín airport terminal boarding gate.

We showed our boarding passes, went through the gate, climbed down the stairs, and walked into the apron escorted by airline employees. Our family waved and said goodbye from the terminal balcony as we walked through the apron, up the airplane steps, and into the airplane.

I was around five years old the first time I moved internationally. I don’t remember all the preparations my parents had to do for us to enter the US as the family of an international student. All I had to do was follow her out of the terminal and onto the airplane to wherever that would lead us. I trusted and depended on my mom to get us safely to wherever we needed to go.

Now, I’m the mom my kids follow.

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Three Colorful Central American Easter Traditions

Three Colorful Central American Easter Traditions

Did you know that Easter is a season of 50 days in the Christian liturgical calendar? In Latin America, the week before Easter Sunday is typically called Semana Santa (Holy Week), or la Semana Mayor (the Greatest Week). Semana Santa is full of rich and colorful traditions across Latin America.  Read more to ignite your kids´ curiosity about Easter in Central America!

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Honduran Middle-Grade Author Debut!

Honduran Middle-Grade Author Debut!

María José Fitzgerald is a former teacher and current writer of children's books.  Her favorite stories usually include animals, friendship, family, and magic.  She grew up snorkeling and hiking in her homeland of Honduras, where nature and culture nourished her soul.  Her debut novel Turtles of the Midnight Moon, will be published by Knopf int he spring of 2023.  When she's not writing, you can find her reading, walking her dogs, or maybe out on a family mountain-bike ride.

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Sing Silent Night in 10 Different Languages!

Sing Silent Night in 10 Different Languages!

Silent Night was initially composed in German but translated and sung in many different languages.  I have curated a YouTube Video list for you to listen to and enjoy in Arabic, Apache, Chinese, Tongan, Tagalog, German, Japanese, Nepali, Spanish, and other languages spoken in South Africa.

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9 Latin American Inspired and Global Christmas Picture Books

9 Latin American Inspired and Global Christmas Picture Books

'Tis the season to read Christmas books! Check out this fantastic selection, including some books that can be found in both Spanish and/or English for your Christmas bookshelf or gifts to kids, friends, and family.

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Honduran Christmas and New Year's Traditions

Honduran Christmas and New Year's Traditions

Have you ever wondered what are some of the unique holiday traditions in other countries?  This post presents four traditions many Hondurans have for Christmas and the New Year: The Nacimientos, Tamales, Torrejas, and el Año Viejo.  

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